Thursday, November 12, 2009

database of data

Vincent S Smith email
Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK


The fabric of science is changing, driven by a revolution in digital
technologies that facilitate the acquisition and communication of
massive amounts of data. This is changing the nature of collaboration
and expanding opportunities to participate in science. If digital
technologies are the engine of this revolution, digital data are its
fuel. But for many scientific disciplines, this fuel is in short
supply. The publication of primary data is not a universal or
mandatory part of science, and despite policies and proclamations to
the contrary, calls to make data publicly available have largely gone
unheeded. In this short essay I consider why, and explore some of the
challenges that lie ahead, as we work toward a database of everything.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Funding in scientific research

Thursday, June 25, 2009


If you're having trouble managing your bibliographies and paper / literature collections, you should try out Mendeley, probably one of the most integrated and comprehensive digital library management systems out there. Not only does it support importing citations from PubMed, ACM, etc. a la JabRef, but it also synchronizes with CiteULike. Moreover it allows synchronization across machines, sharing of libraries with other users, anywhere-access, literature trend tracking, and other such goodies. And a pretty slick interface - as icing on the cake. It appears to me, more robust and comprehensive than JabRef (which is quite excellent but unfortunately restricted to your local machine).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Advanced MATLAB toolbox with enhanced functionality for image processing

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Journal Club: Models in Immunology

Journal Club: Models in Immunology

Organizers: Baltazar AgudaJayajit Das, and Avner Friedman

February 23, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
March 23, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
A basic introduction to signaling in our immune system

According to Dr Das: "I will keep the level of the talk at an introductory level where I will introduce the key players of our immune system and describe how they communicate and work together, ending with the key questions that remain to be understood. In the second talk I will be more specific show how mathematical modeling can help in understanding those questions in the context of T cell and NK cell signaling."

The tentative schedule of the succeeding talks is given below:

March 30, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
April 6, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
Baltazar Aguda, MBI
Cancer Immunoediting

April 13, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
April 20, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
Judy Day, MBI

May 4, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
May 11, 2009; 3:00-4:00pm; MBI Auditorium (Room 355, Jennings Hall)
C. Jayaprakash
